2019 in review, 2020 and beyond …

Justin Hennessy
2 min readDec 31, 2019
Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

It is the first day of 2020 so I thought I would do a little retrospecting of 2019 then put out there what this year holds for me.

2019 was one of the most difficult, challenging, rewarding years of my career. The year started with some significant changes to my department but ended the year in a very strong position. My success in 2019 had a lot to do with the people around me, who also had a great year growing and stepping up into their potential.

2019 was also a year of further developing my growth mindset. I set myself a goal of 30 books to read at the beginning of the year, which I achieved. I also took a dive into the world of data science and machine learning, something I have been trying to do for a little while. The two best learning resources I discovered was https://course.fast.ai/ and https://www.datacamp.com/. This was achieved by undertaking the 100 days of code challenge which enabled me to completely focus on the one topic. In just under 100 days I successfully developed, built and tested the output from my machine learning model in a business context. The support I was shown from both my organisation and members of Linkedin was the reason I was so successful in this endeavour.

2020 will continue to see my focus on a grow mindset, this strategy is the reason I have developed so much professionally in the last couple of years. My obsession with data science and machine learning will continue as I further develop my current project to make it part of my organisations business as usual.

This year I will also continue my efforts around presenting, building and leading technical forums here in Brisbane. I will also ramp up my content creation to get my blogging to where I want it to be.

For those of you that know me, I am also a budding musician, so my goal this year is to continue to generate content for Soundcloud (https://soundcloud.com/justin-hennessy-69949784) and Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9VY87ELjMumf8Dpu1bP07Q), also looking to be involved in a band.

I am blessed with all the opportunities I have been presented with over my career and I am looking forward to an even brighter future because of it.



Justin Hennessy

I am a technologist, an enabler, musician and I have an acute sense of the moment. https://justinhennessy.com